• Story

    I have always loved animals. Growing up, I was taught that pets are our family and deserve the best. However, as I got older, I realized that pet nutrition is wildly misunderstood, and simple things like giving a dog a bone that just finished smoking inside dad's BBQ smoker can actually be dangerous for them, or giving cats canned 'chicken of the sea' was a no-no. Wow! If we get that wrong, what else have we been doing wrong? This wasn’t a major issue until Impa, Midna, and Zelda came along. Of course, I grew up with dogs and cats all my life, but I was never the sole caretaker for them. I quickly learned that childhood-learned food and treat habits were not good for my cats, Impa and Midna. When I got my golden retriever, Zelda, I began researching extensively about what they can eat, what music they love, and what activities goldens enjoy. I was a bit excessive with my research, but food is also something that is terribly important to me. After all, I did graduate from culinary school and worked in the restaurant industry. Food and animals are my life, to put it simply. Then, one day while walking Zelda, I came to the conclusion that the only thing I loved more than food was animals! Why not make a career out of it, right? So here you are, looking at my website for my pet bakery. 'Pawtissiere' derives from the French word 'patissiere,' which means female pastry chef. I just added a 'W' to be punny. Pawtissiere takes pride in the fact that the research is done for your pup! I wanted to create treats that have zero fillers and unnecessary additives. When you buy treats from a leading grocery store, most likely there are a decent amount of additives to prolong the treats' shelf life and filler ingredients that literally serve no purpose other than to just be there. My treats are homemade with fresh ingredients, dehydrated to maintain shelf life without lacking nutritional value, and decorated quite adorably, I might add, to appeal to YOU, my beloved customers—pawrents, aka pet parents. I would love to be a part of your pet's celebration, whether it's a birthday or simply a happy occasion, by helping you make their moment as special as they are.


aka me!... I am the proud owner of Pawtissiere. Being the owner means I do a lot from being the baker and decorator to full fledged marketer! Pawtissiere is my full time job, but when I am not baking for your sweet wet nosed pals, I cook for my family, play video games, and watch my favorite shows!


aka Mr. Pawtissiere... Chris is pretty important around these parts. Chris is my husband, hype man, sometimes second baker, and all the time dish washer. He is always employee of the month! You'll see him at the market nearly every Saturday morning with me or even at pick ups! When Chris isn't working his day job as a software engineer or helping me, he is composing music, playing video games or working on a side project.